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My professional work experience and my expertise as Humor Trainer are complementing one another in an excellent way. I am acquainted with the obstacles in business and I know how to succeed with humor.

Über mich – Vita in Kürze

  • Certified Humor Trainer/Humor Coach
  • In 2023 acquired: Bunte Intelligenz® 1 Practitioner(UrbanSkillz), 2024: Trainer Licence
  • Diplom Betriebswirtin (FH) – International Business Administration
  • Diploma as Clown und Comedy Actor
  • Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, Laughter Yoga University International
  • Worked several years in sales and marketing of international companies
  • Lived and worked 10 years abroad in the USA and in The Netherlands
  • Married, mother of four kids, lives in Freiburg, Germany
  • Interests: singing, photography, impro-Theatre, Outdoor activities as hiking, skiing, tennis

Steps on my way to become a Humor Trainer

Searching for more serenity and enjoyment

I worked many years in sales and marketing of several international companies. Hereby I experienced how demanding and stressful work life can be. Most of the time my sense of humor disappeared immediately in difficult situations. I looked for a way to integrate more serenity and enjoyment into my professional and daily life.

Developing of intuition and flexibility

I lived and worked 10 years in the United States and The Netherlands. My international experience made me considerate in the interaction with other cultures. It sharpened my flexibility, my intuition and my ability to see things from different angles. These skills are important prerequisites for the adequate use of humor in everyday life.

Acquisition of professional humor methods and techniques

During my 2-year education as Humor Trainer I learned effective methods and techniques to strengthen my own humor skills. I acquired the practical and theoretical humor tools to pass on my expertise to my customers.

Strengthening of humor skills

To strengthen my own humor skills, I completed a training as a Clown and Comedy Actor. In this context I broadened the variety of my humor methods and techniquesand strengthened my stage presence.

Certified Laughter Yoga Leader (CLYL)

2020 absolvierte ich eine Ausbildung zur zertifizierten Lachyoga-Leiterin nach Dr. Madan Kataria, Laughter Yoga University International. Lachyoga ist eine ganzheitliche Methode, die mit einfachsten Mitteln natürliche Kräfte mobilisiert. Körperliche und seelische Gesundheit wird genauso gefördert wie mentale Energien.

Bunte Intelligenz® 1 Practitioner

In 2023 I acquired my Bunte Intelligenz® 1 Practitioner. In 2024 I will complete my Trainer license.
The Bunte Intelligenz® concept accompanies all involved parties at school in a sustainable way (educators, students, parents). This leads to more psychical, physical and social development of potential.

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