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In meinen inspirierenden, fundierten Humor Trainings entdecken Sie Ihren persönlichen Humor-Fingerabdruck. Sie lernen anhand professioneller Humor Techniken und Methoden, Ihren Sinn für Humor schrittweise zu stärken und als überzeugende Erfolgsstrategie wirksam in Beruf und Alltag einzusetzen.

Humor Training 1:
at Work

Success Factor in our professional Interactions

Humor Training 2:
the Anti-Stress Pill in our everyday Life

Humor Muscle Training

Humor Training 3:
Humor – the Plus in Intercultural Settings

“Take a second Look!” The Change of Perspective

Humor Training 1:
at Work

Success Factor in our professional Interactions

Humor Training 2:
the Anti-Stress Pill in our everyday Life

Humor Muscle Training

Humor Training 3:
Humor – the Plus in Intercultural Settings

“Take a second Look!” The Change of Perspective

Humor Training 1:
at Work

Success Factor in our professional Interactions

Humor Training 2:
the Anti-Stress Pill in our everyday Life

Humor Muscle Training

Humor Training 3:
Humor – the Plus in Intercultural Settings

“Take a second Look!” The Change of Perspective

Humor Training Info

Teilnehmerzahl: mindestens 10 – 16 Personen
Languages: German or English
Dauer: je nach Thema halbtags 4 Stunden oder ganztags 6 Stunden
Dates & Prices: on request
Content: Customised to your individual requests
More themes: Sprachwitz/Schlagfertigkeit, humorvolles Präsentieren, Team Building durch Humor

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